Monday, March 14, 2011

When "Fetal Tissue" is a Child

The case of Marni Yang and Rhoni Reuter is a sad and bizarre tale. Both were seeing formers Bears player Shaun Gayle, and due to this, Yang shot and killed Reuter. That is sad enough. However, Reuter was pregnant at the time. This is where things get bizarre. The fetus was about six months along. If Reuter had chosen to do so, she could have legally aborted this child. It is fetal tissue, without any rights. However, when the circumstances change, then that same fetus miraculously becomes a person. Yang intentionally shot at Reuters abdomen, which is what caused the fetus to die. Now, I have no problem with Yang being charged with Reuters murder. I DO have a problem with her being charged with fetal homicide. As long as the law states that while in the mothers womb, it is just fetal tissue, with no rights, and can be aborted up to gestation, then Marni Yang did NOTHING wrong!!! Obviously, I state this tongue-in-cheek, but the point is valid. A child is a child or it is not. The ridiculous double standard that is revealed by this case is brought about by the idea that there is nothing inherently special about humans. If we are just a higher evolved animal, then this type of dichotomy is just fine. However, this is not reality. It is an escape from it. You knit me together in my mothers womb...I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The Bible tells us, and science backs up that we are created beings, designed by a great designer. When we look at reality, we see that these dichotomies are the result of selfishness and sin. But that only becomes apparent when we search for the truth, and are willing to submit our selfishness to the amazing designs of the Creator.